Welcome to your introductory course of DEMON FISHING! You will be able to meet & greet some of our FINEST SPECIMEN in DEMONOLOGY and FISHOLOGY alike! Don't wait, START FISHING and chronicle ALL 20 DEMONFISH in your PISCES DAEMONIS!

When you happen upon a fish in the DEEP POND, mash W as hard as you can to reel it in! Press TAB to marvel at your new discovery and maybe even LEARN A LITTLE MORE ABOUT IT!

Contains some fish gore.

a prototype made by SIGMATIC (coding) & WALUIGITHEBEST (hand-drawn art) for the WAITING FOR GODOT GAME JAM. bugs may be fixed after the event is over.

Overworld Controls:

Walking - WASD

Open Journal - Tab

Start Fishing - Click Pond

Fishing Controls

Move Left/Right - A/D

Descend Faster - S

Reel In Fish - W

Accept Catch - A/S/D


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Interesting. Perhaps the fish could "fight back" to make the game a little harder? :)

(2 edits) (+1)

it's on the top of the list! this project was definitely a wake-up call in terms of the game elements we'd planned vs. the time we had (can't work on it today), so we decided to focus on having the very (very, very) basics done in time as the "Game Jam Version" and then expanding on it further at a more reasonable pace after it has ended.